New Guy

Title: New Guy

General Information

  1. Place of collection: Hanover Fire Department – Hanover, NH
  2. Date of Collection: November 6, 2019
  3. Informant: Joe Amato
  4. Genre: Customary Folklore – Initiation Ritual

Informant Information:

Joe Amato is a firefighter for the Hanover, New Hampshire fire department. He is currently 27 years old and lives in Hanover. However, Joe was born and raised in Amherst, Massachusetts. He currently holds the title of firefighter at the Hanover Fire Department. Also, at age 27, Joe is the youngest firefighter currently a part of the Hanover Fire Department.


Whenever a new firefighter starts at the Hanover, NH fire department, he/she is required to complete extra chores, such as cleaning the trucks, the firehouse, the equipment, and working longer hours. After a couple of months, the new member assimilates fully into the department and is no longer required to do these tasks.


The new guy in the fire department is tasked with extra chores (cleaning, preparation, first one to arrive and the last one to leave).

Associated Image:

Meaning and Interpretation:

This initiation ritual appears to serve as a right of incorporation into the Hanover, NH fire department. This is likely the case because it allows the new members to get acquainted with the equipment, the firehouse, and the other members in the department. Further, it is a process that all new members undertake when joining, so it creates a mutual experience among the members, which allows the members to connect. This ritual is, however, usually only done when the new member is of a lower rank in comparison to the other members of the group. For example, if a Captain were to transfer departments, they would not be required to prove themselves to the group through extra chores etc., but rather through getting to know the other firefighters and being a strong leader.

Informant’s Comments:

“I don’t really mind being the new guy because while yeah I have extra busy work to do, it gives me a chance to actually meet everyone and prove to them that I’m here to do my job and help out where I can.”

Collector’s Comments:

It was very cool to see how our informant took on this initiation ritual with such a positive attitude considering he knew he had the skills to be a strong firefighter but knows that he has certain role in the whole of the group as the most junior and newest guy.

Collector’s Name: Sam Wilson, Albie Austin and Ben Martin


  • New Guy, Firefighter, Chores, Hanover

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