Saint Florian Necklace

Title: Saint Florian Necklace
General Information: 

  1. Place of collection: Hanover Fire Department – Hanover, NH
  2. Date of Collection: November 6, 2019
  3. Informant – Captain Gilbert
  4. Genre: Customary Folklore – Superstition

Informant Information:

Michael Gilbert is a firefighter for the Hanover, New Hampshire fire department. He is currently 50 years old and lives in Hanover. However, Michael was born and raised in Franconia, New Hampshire. He is currently a captain at the Hanover Fire Department. Captain Gilbert is not particularly religious. 


Captain Gilbert wears his Saint Florentine necklace every time he is working. Whether he is simply sitting in the fire department or out on calls, Captain Gilbert has on this necklace. The necklace was given to him by his sister, who had it blessed by a priest. Gilbert first heard of this practice of wearing a piece of jewelry for good luck from one of the other captains, and has been wearing the necklace ever since his sister got it for him.


It is good luck/provides protection to wear a necklace of Saint Florian, the protector saint of firefighters. 

Associated Image:

Meaning and Interpretation:

Gilbert stated that he was unsure as to whether or not the necklace actually provides good luck, but in a field as dangerous as firefighting, any source of protection is desired. This small necklace, however insignificant it may seem, provides a small measure of protection against the uncontrollable situations that they face every day. The superstition is a magic superstition because there is a cause and effect relationship – if he wears the necklace, he will be protected or he will have good luck. Also, the law of contact appears to be at work here. The law of contact is present because when the necklace is on his neck, Saint Florian, protector of firefighters, supposedly is able to influence and protect him. 

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