Bloody Knuckles

1. Bloody Knuckles
Origin: Maryland
Date collected: 05/28/2019
Basically, you take a quarter and you spin it around. Whoever the quarter lands closest to gets to flick it at the other person’s knuckles who puts their fist down on the table. You flick it back and forth at each other until one of the players gives up and then whoever gives up first has to drink. I learned this in high school from my older brother.

Informant’s comments: This is a very fun game that is often played at house parties. Usually, I would almost always play this game with my guy friends when we were bored of regular drinking games such as flip cup, slap cup, Beirut, and pong.

Collector’s comments: This niche game fits our competitive game category very well as well as a category of using miscellaneous items to play the drinking game. There are a bunch of games that involve coins. This same game has a different version in Slovakia.

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