Title: 666

General Information about Item:

  • American Superstition
  • Language: English
  • Origin: Bible
  • Informant: Logan Adams
  • Date Collected 10/29/18

Informant Data: Logan is a Sophomore baseball player at Dartmouth college studying Philosophy. He was born in Knoxville, Tennessee and was raised in a very religious household.

Contextual Data:

Social: Logan was brought up in a very religious family. He would regularly attend church, and made many of his friends through his church. Many values that were instilled in Logan from his family and from church are the same core values that he relies on today.

Cultural: The bible states that 666 is the number associated with the devil. For this reason, many Christian and Catholics believe that this number brings bad luck. This superstition was instilled in Logan at church school by not only the pasture, but also by his friends that believed in this superstition.

Subgenre: bad luck superstitions

Item: The number 666 will bring you bad luck.

Associated file (a video, audio, or image file):

Transcript of Associated File:

 Max: So Logan, tell me about your superstition of the number 666.

Logan: So, I became superstitious of this number when I was younger. I spent a lot of time in church with my family and according to the bible this is a number that’s like related with evil and with satan so I just always try to avoid anything that has these three numbers and anytime that like, if I went to a restaurant and my total was $6.66 or something, I would always add something else to my order just because I didn’t want anything to do with these three numbers.

Informant’s Comments: Logan explained that the specific area that he is from in Tennessee is particularly religious. He believes that growing up in this location definitely contributed to his belief in this superstition.

Collector’s Comments:

I found it interesting that geography and religion played a key role in this superstition.

Collector’s Name: Max Hunter


Bad luck superstitions, American, 666

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