Llama Llama Game

Title: Llama Llama Game

General Information about Item:

  • Customary Folklore: Ritual, Tradition
  • English
  • USA

Informant Data:

  • Connor Lehan is 21 years old and was born in Providence, Rhode Island. He grew up in Boston, Massachusetts and currently lives there. He has been a member of Casual Thursday since his freshman fall. He had no experience with improvisation before joining Casual Thursday.

Contextual Data:

  • Social Context

This game is usually played before performances. All members of the group who are present for the performance participate in this game. Sometimes the game is played during practices or any other time a group member may request to play it. The informant cannot remember where exactly the game originated from but believes it is a modified version of the game “Bunny Bunny”.

  • Cultural Context

The game is very silly and carefree as it requires players to sing funny words and make animal hand signs. The game is representative of Casual Thursday’s carefree and fun culture.


Members play a game called “llama llama”. One person starts out with the llama, and passes the symbol around the group while a beat is clapped out. As the person passes the llama they point at themselves and then the other person saying “llama llama llama llama”. After another person receives the llama they pass it along by saying “llama llama llama llama” and pointing at themselves and then another person. People adjacent to the person with the llama do a small dance and say “toki toki toki toki”.

Associated file (a video, audio, or image file):

Llama Llama Game

Transcript of Associated File:

“There’s a beat. And then basically the idea is that you’re passing the llama around. So you go llama llama llama llama. And whoever is receiving it goes ‘llama llama llama llama’. And that keeps going on while the beat is continuing. And then whoever is the people adjacent to the person who currently has the llama, because they are so excited about being next to the person who has the llama, are going ‘toki toki toki toki'”

Informant’s Comments:

Informant believes this game is useful because it keeps people on their toes, increases energy and gets members excited and focused before a performance. It is also a fun game and helps members get comfortable and confident with being silly in front of large groups of people, as this is very important in the comedy work Casual Thursday does.

Collector’s Comments:

This game seems very similar to “Bunny Bunny”, but it is interesting how Casual Thursday uses it to prepare themselves and get ready before performances.

Collector’s Name: Shinar Jain

Compiled/Analyzed by: Sruthi Pasupuleti


  • Comedy
  • Improv
  • Game
  • Tradition
  • Ritual
  • Group

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