Huddle – “Go Bayside!”

Title: Huddle – “Go Bayside!”

General Information about Item:

  • Customary Folklore: Ritual
  • English
  • USA

Informant Data:

  • Connor Lehan is 21 years old and was born in Providence, Rhode Island. He grew up in Boston, Massachusetts and currently lives there. He has been a member of Casual Thursday since his freshman fall. He had no experience with improvisation before joining Casual Thursday.

Contextual Data:

  • Social Context

The huddle takes place right before members of the group perform, and after other pre-performance rituals such as “llama llama”, and rhyming games. All of the group members are present for the ritual. The informant believes the ritual has existed for a few years.

  • Cultural Context

Informant is not sure why the group says “Go Bayside!” as the phrase has no particular meaning. Often times group members say phrases that sound like “Go Bayside!” as a joke. The humor and carefree spirit of this huddle reflects the culture of Casual Thursday. Casual Thursday is a very spontaneous, and carefree group.


Before performing, all group members get in a circle and take a knee. One member (usually the President) gives a short, impromptu speech in which he usually yells at the members. After, the entire group chants “Go Bayside!”. Some members chant a phrase that sounds like “Go Bayside!” such as “Go Gay Guys!” or “Go Grapevine!”.

Informant’s Comments:

Informant believes the tradition is not intended to make sense or have a deep, and significant value. He believes the ritual probably originated because someone thought the phrase “Go Bayside!” was funny at one point. He explained that it is fun that no one knows what the phrase means, but everyone still participates in the ritual. Many of Casual Thursday’s rituals and traditions are fun and silly, and not necessarily serious – but the informant believes that as long as they are getting the group excited and focused, they are working.

Collector’s Comments:

Casual Thursday’s huddle is unique because they get down on one knee. It is interesting that they have been using a phrase for years, and no one knows the meaning or significance of the phrase. This reflects the spontaneous and silly culture of the group.

Collector’s Name: Shinar Jain

Compiled/Analyzed by: Sruthi Pasupuleti


  • Comedy
  • Improvisation
  • Huddle
  • Group

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