
Title: F1

General Information about Item:

  • Joke
  • English
  • United States

Informant Data:

  • Hamza Alsarhan is a 3-2 Dual Degree student from Middlebury who is studying computer engineering at Dartmouth. He’s a 23 year old from Jordan.

Contextual Data:

  • Social Context
    • It would be shared in a light-hearted, joking context among peers. It’s a particularly cheesy joke without much intellectual challenge, so it is even more casual than the other ones on the list.
  • Cultural Context
    • The cultural context for this one is not very complex. The joke is a sort of pun, hitting upon the fact that F1=help in many programs. This one is also among the more accessible jokes. The audience does not necessarily need in depth computer science background to pick up on nuance, as the joke is merely a pun. Those with a computer science background would be more likely to understand the joke, but any audience with somewhat advanced experience using computers may be privy to understanding the pun.


A computer scientist went swimming and started drowning. He screamed, “F1! F1!”


  • Chrissy: Alright so can you give your name and background?
  • Hamza: Sure yeah. My name is Hamza and I’m a BE here right now. I’m a dual degree from Middlebury. I did, um, computer science and math there, and I’m doing computer engineering here.
  • Chrissy: And can you tell us the joke?
  • Hamza: Yeah so a computer scientist went swimming and started drowning, then he started screaming “F1! F1!”
  • Chrissy: Could you tell us where you first heard the joke?
  • Hamza: Yeah I heard it in CS 50. I took it two years ago, and I heard someone say that in class.
  • Chrissy: And could you give an explanation of the joke?
  • Hamza: Yeah so F1 is usually, um, the key for help on the keyboard.

Associated file (a video, audio, or image file):


Collector’s Name: Christina Long


  • Joke. F1. Engineering. Swimming. Computer Science. Programming.

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