Picture of the Field and Organization

Title: Picture of the Field and Organization

General Information about Item:

  • Genre and Sub Genre
    • Customary Folklore: Custom
  • Language: English
  • United States of America

Informant Data:

Name: Alexander Agadjanian

  • Dartmouth Class of 2018
  • Residence: Hanover, New Hampshire (During the school year), Tempe Arizona (During off-terms)
  • Years of association with The Dartmouth: 3rd year
  • Age: 20 years old
  • Affiliation with Dartmouth Football: Writer for The Dartmouth (Campus Newspaper)

Contextual Data:

  • Writers, both from the area and around the country have access to the press box and they arrive early to prepare for the long game ahead of them. Whether it’s organizational customs or methods of relaxation, each writer has his/her unique approach before the start of every game.


Custom: Picture of the Field and Organization

  • Alexander makes sure to take a photo of the press box and the field, both at home and at away games, before the start of every game to make sure that he is enjoying every moment. He is also especially meticulous and organized before games so that he is prepared to take notes throughout the game so that he can write the most comprehensive articles. He is focused throughout the game, ensuring that he does not miss a single play or detail.

Associated file (a video, audio, or image file):

Interview with Alexander

Transcript of Associated File:

“I really try to keep rituals for organizing myself and do something to capture the moment. Before the games, I try to take a picture of the press box view and take pregame notes before the game starts. In terms of close games, I’m focused on observing everything that I can and writing as many notes as possible, but you definitely see the tension in the press box.”

Collector’s Comments: 

  • Customs and Rituals during games are not only exclusive to fans, players, and coaches, but also to the writers who could also have a vested emotional interest for a specific team. They may believe in superstitions themselves, which is similar to fans that watch the games from the stands. Alexander shows that although his articles are unbiased, an important element in objective sports journalism, his behavior is altered to improve his performance and ensure that he is enjoying every moment in the press box.

Collector’s Name:

Kang Min Daniel Lee


  • Customary Folklore
  • Journalism
  • Football
  • Dartmouth

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