Hot KAF Guy

1. Title: Hot KAF guy

2. Informant information:

Kyra Maxwell was born and raised in Washington D.C. She is studying Asian and Middle Eastern Studies and Computer Science as a sophomore at Dartmouth College. Her favorite place to eat on campus is KAF, and she can often be found in Baker Lobby with 2-3 empty KAF cups strewn about.

3. Type of lore (Genre and Sub-Genre): Verbal Lore, Legends, Urban Legend

4. Language: English

5. Country of Origin: Hanover, NH, USA

6. Social / Cultural Context:

KAF is one of the most popular food spots on campus, especially among coffee-addicted females. Certain social media forums and blogs such as YikYak and Dartbeat have posted about a certain ‘hot KAF guy’ who allegedly works at KAF.

7. Associated File: N/A

8. Transcript:

“Hot KAF guy is like a legend around Dartmouth. You read about him on social media, people talk about him to their friends, but no one actually knows if he exists, or more importantly, no one knows which KAF worker he is. Everyone has different opinions – some think he’s the young blond who went to Hanover High, and others think he’s the older, dark-haired guy with the piercings.”

9. Informant’s comments:

Because everyone has different perspectives on what “hot” means, ‘hot KAF guy’ means something different to everyone at this school. It’s a cool, different way of viewing diversity on campus.

10. Collector’s comments:

Hot KAF guy is only one of many legendary figures on campus, and a good demonstration of the shared nature of dining facilities on campus. Every student uses the same facilities and interacts with the same people, giving rise to shared stories such as this one.

11. Tags/Keywords: hot, KAF, guy, food, student dining

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