Dance Parties


Informant Information: Anonymous male from San Francisco, California and a member of the Class of 2019 at Dartmouth College.  He is also a member of the baseball team.  He currently does not have a girlfriend.

Type of Folklore: Customary Folklore (Dance)

Language: English

Country of Origin: United States of America

Social / Cultural Context: Due to a lack of club/bar life in Hanover, dance parties at fraternities create a club like environment for students.  These dance parties play a big part in the hookup culture on campus. These parties are sometimes planned ahead of time and announced to campus but other times spontaneously start in a crowded fraternity basement.

Associated File:

Transcript: “The places people meet each other is on a dance floor, or playing pong. But at a fraternity there’s always people around, always good times.”

Collector’s Comments: Two other informants discussed dance parties as a way of getting to meet other students.  Dance parties and pong seem to be the main activities of interaction between males and females.

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