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Assessment Plan

Aligning Your Assessment Plan

We include several options for assessment plans in the ELI Toolbox on your menu navigation. Here is one from Wiggins and McTighe (2008) that we often use in our faculty development workshops. Complete an assessment plan for your project.

Step 1: Desired Results (Objectives)

Stage 2: Assessment and Evidence

If the desired results is for learners to... Then I need evidence of the students ability to... So the assessments need to include tasks and evidence like...

Demonstrate in-depth knowledge in at least one area of the mathematics.

This is course specific, we will need to elaborate.

Communicate mathematical ideas using multiple modalities both formally and informally.

Verbal and written proficiency in explaining mathematical ideas to others.
  • Formative assessment of verbal presentation skills.
  • Ongoing assessment of written skills (e.g. homework sets).
  • Summative evaluation of project presentations, both oral and verbal.

Bring diverse mathematical methods to bear on a complex mathematical problem.

Isolate appropriate techniques for their projects from a library of options.

Evaluate the effectiveness of different methods in different combinations.

  • Evidence of process- e.g. examples of things that worked and didn't work.
  • Frameworks for solutions to problems within their projects.

Draw on their mathematical expertise to develop pedagogical components for undergraduate courses.

Develop project ideas appropriate to the level of the course. Student and instructor feedback on comparison of different project ideas (whether adopted or not).

Mentor students effectively on open-ended projects.

  • Interact competently with students.
  • Give advice to project teams that is mathematically and pedagogically appropriate.
Observational evaluations throughout the course.

Demonstrate mastery of core pedagogical design skills.

Create and refine project ideas (mostly) independently

Design project components that fit into the overall narrative of the course.

Feedback from course instructors on student participation in project design.

Assessing Student Artifacts

We have several resources intended to help you to review student artifacts to analyze for student learning. How do you plan to review student evidence?

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Wiggins, G. P., & McTighe, J. (2008). Understanding by design. Alexandria, Va: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.