Here are some excerpts of what our students are saying about the class:

“The decision to take the Senior Challenge Design is probably one of the best ones I’ve taken at Dartmouth.”

“This course has been incredibly meaningful to me and has truly marked my last year at Dartmouth. It has been a culminating experience in a number of ways. “

“[SDC] has allowed me to discover connections between my areas of study, and to apply my diverse background to real world scenarios. I’ve been able to put into practice different skills that I have acquired throughout my years at Dartmouth.”

“I feel very lucky because this project truly has opened my eyes to new possibilities regarding what I can do in the future.”

“These projects make me feel like I am doing something way more meaningful than say, writing an essay, because what we are thinking about has the potential to impact people in a real way.”

“This class has just made me feel better about being a team member in projects and has shown me how much I can contribute.”

“I am developing better communication and collaboration skills.”

“I am definitely talking about this class in my job search because I think I am learning so many skills that are applicable to the “real world” which has been a really useful but enjoyable process.”

“I am really enjoying this class and I have learned so much… It is a whole new way to look at creating a project or program and it truly has been an amazing life experience.”

“This course is much more than an exercise in human-centered design—I feel like I’m able to give my full self to this project and work with a wonderful, focused, invested team.”

“This class has been unlike anything I have taken before, and I feel that it has been an excellent capstone to the Human-Centered Design minor.”

“Adopting a team mindset for the duration of two terms is a unique undertaking within the context of Dartmouth, and I have found that it has, in many ways, shifted my attitude from single-minded (focused solely on myself and my own performance) to open-minded (taking into account the ideas of others and working towards a common goal).”

“I have never had the chance before at Dartmouth to work on a project or with the same group of people for an extended amount of time. The fast-paced quarter system typically doesn’t allow for long-term projects, and I am grateful that I found the opportunity to do so.”

“This class has allowed me feel like I’m working toward something that’s bigger than just a class and more important than just a grade.”