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Why the Nicaragua CCESP? Why LACS 20?

Why the Nicaragua CCESP? Why LACS 20?

September 18, 2015

I am participating in the Nicaragua CCESP this year as a part of the community development team. There are many reasons why I decided to take this course, one being that I have never taken a LACS course before and was very interested in learning more about the department and especially learning more about Latin America. I am also a Latina so I had genuine interest in learning more about my culture through a political and social perspective.

I am participating in the CCESP because I have always heard great things about the program but most importantly, I felt it would offer me a different perspective. I have never really volunteered abroad and I have always heard about how enriching volunteering abroad can be. Being able to immerse oneself in the culture and be in a different environment, culture, and political surrounding allows you to think differently and become more aware of the country and its people.



Some of my hopes and expectations for this class is to become more aware of what political development means especially in Latin America and being able to fully understand that before leaving on my Nicaragua trip. I want to be able to understand the meaning and value behind an international service program and how that affects me since I have never done it before.

I am interested in pre-health and being a part of the global village here at Dartmouth has offered me a different view and has made me more globally aware and conscious. I want to be able to further expand that knowledge and become more aware of the issues being faces in Latin America.

¿Por qué la Nicaragua CCESP? ¿Por qué LACS 20?

Estoy participando en el CCESP porque siempre he oído grandes cosas sobre el programa, pero lo que es más importante, sentí que me ofrecería una perspectiva diferente. Realmente nunca he ofrecido voluntariamente en el extranjero y siempre he oído acerca de cómo enriquecer el voluntariado en el extranjero puede ser. Ser capaz de sumergirse en la cultura y estar en un entorno diferente, cultura y política que rodea le permite pensar diferente y ser más conscientes del país y de su pueblo.

Algunas de mis esperanzas y expectativas para esta clase es a ser más conscientes de lo que significa el desarrollo político especialmente en América Latina y ser capaz de comprender plenamente que antes de salir en mi viaje de Nicaragua. Quiero ser capaz de entender el significado y el valor detrás de un programa de servicio internacional y cómo me afecta esto.

Estoy interesada en pre-salud y ser parte de la aldea global aquí en Dartmouth me ha ofrecido una visión diferente y me ha hecho más consciente a nivel mundial. Quiero ser capaz de ampliar aún más ese conocimiento y ser más conscientes de las cuestiones que enfrenta en América Latina.