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October 8, 2015


I have travelled outside of the country multiple times but it has only been to visit Sonora, Mexico. I  have never really participated in any service learning experiences outside of the United States. This trip to Nicaragua, as part of the community development team, will change that. It will allow me to experience how it feels to be in another country and being able to volunteer and becoming involved with members of the community alongside members of the Dartmouth community as well. Even though I have visited Mexico twice a year since I was two weeks old, I still feel like a tourist whenever I visit. I like to call Mexico my second home because it is a place and environment I have gotten so used to but at the same time I still feel like a stereotypical tourist whenever I visit.


The part of Mexico that my family is from is more rural and is constantly developing so whenever I visit, there are always new buildings, parks, and roads that were not there the previous time I had visited. It's interesting to be able to see that differences because I feel like as a tourist I'd see the same sites and buildings but it changes every year. Some of the places I've visited in Mexico besides Hermosillo are Mazatan, San Carlos, and Santa Ana. It's amazing how these cities can change drastically within only a few miles of driving through them and being able to witness that as a tourist is an incredible experience.


I am planning on going on an FSP to New Zealand next year as part of the Anthropology program. Additionally, I am interested in doing more volunteering outside of the United States besides just the CCESP trip. Possibly joining or applying to more programs through Tucker or doing an individual service trip.