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Home – Your DartWrite Portfolio

The DartWrite Portfolio Initiative grants every Dartmouth ‘23 a digital portfolio space, a personal WordPress site that you control. You can use that space to archive your academic work and reflect on your learning experiences. 

Dartmouth '23s got the keys to their sites in late July.

This site is a guide

The site you're looking at now offers directions for what we think your portfolio might look like as you progress through first-year writing at Dartmouth. Some of your faculty may incorporate the portfolio into your courses, but others won't. It's up to you to decide how to use your own portfolio space in ways that support your own development and needs.

Build your About Me page

In your portfolio site, we've created an About Me page and made it the home page of your site. It's up to you what your About Me page contains. We think it's a good idea to describe:

  • who you are,
  • what your interests and passions are,
  • and what the site says about you as a student and writer.

As you progress at Dartmouth, you may end up shaping that page to showcase your academic specialties or your unique configuration of experiences and credentials, so you'll want to make changes as you move through your Dartmouth journey.

Prize-winning portfolios

We created a site for you with a Dartmouth-specific theme. But you can customize your site in hundreds of ways. The winners of the 2018-19 DartWrite Portfolio Contest showcase some of those customization options:

  • Joey Chong won the 2019 Grand Prize in the Best Reflection category.

Claiming your site

To edit your site, log in to using the same procedure you use for email (ID and password + Duo authentication). Whenever you are logged in and viewing a site, you should see a black editing ribbon at the top of your screen. Use that to access the edit view and more.

To log in the first time, you can also go directly to your site. Your DartWrite site is titled "[Your first name]'s DartWrite Portfolio" and its URL is[yourcustomurl], where "[yourcustomurl]" is the first part of your Dartmouth email address without dots. For example, if Theodore S. Geisel had email when he was a student at Dartmouth and we had been able to give him a DartWrite site, its url would have been: