Ella Marie Hætta Isaksen in ISÁK

Ella Marie Hætta Isaksen, originally from Tana, Norway, is a celebrated Sami musician and actress. A native of the indigenous Sámi people, she is known internationally for her hauntingly beautiful voice. The Sámi people span vast regions, encompassing significant areas of Norway and Sweden, as well as the northern territories of Finland and the Murmansk Oblast in Russia. Integral to the Sámi people are their traditions of coastal fishing, fur trapping, sheep herding, and (most famously) semi-nomadic reindeer herding. Ella Marie herself comes from a family of reindeer herders, which highlights her connections with her traditional roots. Her artistry not only reflects her individual talent, but also serves as a representation of the diverse and vibrant musical traditions rooted in Sámi culture.

I'm Alive, says ISÁK - The Norwegian American

In 2017, Ella Marie Hætta Isaksen founded ISÁK, a band that would go on to redefine Sami music. The collaboration with producer Daniel Eriksen, known for his work with Alan Walker and The Wombats, and drummer Aleksander Kostopoulos, brough traditional Sami music to the modern world. ISÁK is known for its fusion of traditional yoik with modern elements, creating a distinctive sound that echoed the traditions of Sami music while embracing the contemporary.


ISÁK is considered to be a natural successor of Mari Boine, who has been releasing music since the 1980s and is famous for developing yoik and modernising Sami music. Building off of this impressive musical legacy, ISÁK continued to push the limits of Sami music by fusing traditional yoik, urban synths and a combination of both English and Sami in their lyrics.

ISÁK’s music, though relatively limited due to their breakup in September 2023, left an incredible mark on the genre which will not be soon forgotten. Albums like “Yoiking the Future” and “Synthetic Yolk” showcase their innovative approach, cementing their status as pioneers in the electronic-joik genre.

Despite being one of their less famous songs, I particularly enjoyed the song Vuolgu, which was released in 2018. While a music video was never released for the song, you can feel the passion the band has for music throughout the song. Vuolgu starts with a beautiful, soft melody which features Ella Marie’s captivating vocals singing in her native tongue. At the same time, the song includes strong instrumentals which arouse feelings of strength and power.

While ISÁK’s dissolution in 2023 marked the end of an era, their legacy lives on as torchbearers of Sami music evolution. Their final performance at the Rockefeller Music Hall was a poignant farewell, encapsulating the profound impact they had on the genre.

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