Nunavut singer Terry Uyarak sings in Inuktitut

Terry lives in Igloolik, Nunavut, off northern Baffin Island, about 2,700 kilometres north of Montreal. His songs feature other Nunavut artists like Becky Han, Celina Kalluk and Riit. His music reflects his experiences as a husband, father and hunter, and sources like Igloolik elder Simon Qamaniq’s storytelling.

Prior to launching his musical career, Uyarak was a performer and artistic director with an Inuit circus troupe called Artcirq.

Following encouragement from his local Inuit community in Igloolik, an island above the Arctic Circle, Uyarak unveiled his first album “Nunarjua Isulinginniani” in 2020. This title, translating to “Before the World Ends,” resonated deeply with Uyarak during the pandemic’s peak, a time when he was composing these songs. The album received a Juno Award nomination for Indigenous Music Album of the Year at the Juno Awards of 2021.

His other songs are just as personal. The song “Anuri,” featuring Riit, was written by Uyarasuk and Uyarak dedicates it to his late friend Solomon Uyarasuk, who taught him guitar and who passed by suicide.

In a conversation with CBC, Uyarak reflected, “Our Inuit community has undergone significant transformations, particularly from our parents’ and grandparents’ generations, transitioning from a nomadic lifestyle to our current way of life. If I were to convey a message, it would be to reconnect with our origins and reassure each other of our capacity to surmount any challenge.” A year ago, Uyarak introduced “Qaigi,” his debut single, which infuses three of his album tracks with a vibrant energy.

Works Cited

“‘I’m Super Inuk’: Nunavut Singer Terry Uyarak Releases Songs in Inuktitut | CBC News.” CBCnews, CBC/Radio Canada, 15 Nov. 2020,

“Terry Uyarak.” Aakuluk Music, Accessed 27 Jan. 2024.

“Terry Uyarak – Anuri Feat. RIIT.” YouTube, YouTube, 18 Sept. 2020,

One thought on “Nunavut singer Terry Uyarak sings in Inuktitut

  1. I really enjoyed learning of Terry’s story. His home in Igloolik, Nunavit is fascinating to me and his music, reflecting the culture, traditions, and life of the Inuit people is truly fascinating to me. Moreover, his origins as a performer and director in a circus troupe is really unique. As well as that, his music being about family, being a father, husband, and hunter, create an intimate feel as you listen to it. It is fascinating to hear of his life as you listen to his music, not only is it pleasing to hear, it is interesting, and requires attention to appreciate the nuances and deeper meaning in his work.

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