About Me

A self-portrait

I’m Clara Pakman, a Dartmouth ’23. I am majoring in Cognitive Science with a focus on Human-Computer Interaction, and minoring in Human-Centered Design/Digital Design. I am vividly passionate about designing experiences and media to promote critical thought, evoke joy, and inspire positive changes in beliefs and behavior. I infuse my design projects with behavior science, using media’s capacity to change the brain as a way to break down biases, create good habits, and inspire self-betterment. I began my foray into impact-based media through video game design for social change and have since designed two games: Question, which relies on psychological models to promote critical thinking and raise awareness about uncritical “cognitive shortcuts,” and Flicker, a game meant to reflect and alleviate loneliness during the pandemic. In the last few years, I have become interested in other forms of media and experiences as agents of change, and have since created webcomics, drafted a comic book, organized concerts, presented papers, helped with festivals, started a girlband, shared poetry, and hosted a gallery exhibition to foster conversation around topics such as the implicit biases of AI, educational philosophy, media representation, climate change, experimental sonic practice, and the dubious origins/theoretical practices of materialist Cognitive Science.

I designed this site to be an extension of my personality. In the background images, you’ll find pieces of things I like and care about. Down below, you can check out some of my design, game research, writing, and other projects.

If you’d like to get in contact with me, reach out: clara.m.pakman.23 <at> dartmouth.edu


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AR/VR Design