Assignment III: Environmental Perspectives

For this piece, I decided to put together the environmental setting of a war scene. In starting my piece, I included the basic concepts of gun firing and quick breathing, but over time I realized that there is so much more that goes into creating an environmental perspective with sound. As I began to add more attributes to the setting (air planes, foot steps, heart beating, crows), it made me acutely aware of just how much goes on sound-wise in our surroundings.

I enjoyed taking these sounds and organizing themĀ in a way that made sense and seemed natural. By varying / randomizing the order of each sound clip, I was able to put together a sound environment that sounded organic, rather than contrive and on a loop. In my piece, the only component that I believe may seem on a loop is the emergency siren in the background; this noise, however, would be on a loop in real life, so I left it like this to make the environment realistic.

Overall, I enjoyed working on this progress and believe that it was able to further not only my technical capability of working with Ableton, but also made me more aware of the constantly changing sound environments around me.