
This short video persuades viewers to consider the perspective of supporting Planned Parenthood by illustrating one specific way in which the organization provides critical aid to people in need. I proposed the solution of defending Planned Parenthood by way of donating to the organization and calling the viewer’s respective senator to explain the value in the organization to them. I created a short PSA style video narrating the story of a young woman who has an unplanned pregnancy. Mid-way through the video, the story reverses and follows how the girl’s life would be different if she had access to a Planned Parenthood. She is able to obtain birth control and have a child later in life when she is ready. The video is in response to the Trump administration’s efforts to defund Planned Parenthood due to the fact that certain posts of the organization provide abortion services.
The animation style of the video keeps the attention of the audience. It illustrates a simple storyline that is not difficult to follow but gets across the point of Planned Parenthood’s value. I decided to utilize animation so as to avoid a simple floating head video in which one person spews out facts at the audience. I chose to highlight one of the organization’s other services – administering birth control – instead of its role in abortions. I thought a short video like this assignment solicited was not conducive to persuading an audience of the benefits associated with Planned Parenthood facilitating abortions. In such a short time slot, I believed it would be more valuable to emphasize the services that more people supported. Trump’s administration does not target Planned Parenthood’s distribution of contraception like it does with abortion. Furthermore, abortion services only amount to 3% of Planned Parenthood’s work. A large constituency rely on Planned Parenthood as their main healthcare provider and as a way to get birth control. I honed in on the way defunding Planned Parenthood would jeopardize this community. The reversal in the story clearly emphasizes the role Planned Parenthood plays in changing people’s lives.
In revisiting the process of making the video, I would better set the context for the issue. The video starts straight into the story of the girl without explicating why the organization’s funds are at stake. The targeted audience of this video includes Americans who are voting, not just people who will be affected. Those who would not be directly affected by the decision to defund Planned Parenthood may not be well versed in the danger Trump’s administration and their efforts pose.