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Appendix B


I would say the biggest difference between this project and past projects was organization. Because of the rich use of media and design centered thinking, the way I treated my text was altered. Instead of using paragraphs more, I relied on new pages to break up ideas and concepts for organization. In addition, being able to use both audio and images, I think, greatly enhances the reader's experience while going through this online webpage essay versus the previous, more standardized, essays. I definitely adapted the way I talked about the space because sometimes that had already been described in a picture. Instead, I had to only highlight the important details and not tell the whole story. I also felt that because I used so many pictures and also used audio, I was able to cut to the point very quickly on the webpage. Therefore, I felt that my use of language was more efficient on this webpage than in many of my other essays. Overall, the use of media made it easier for me to both be more concise and more efficient in my writing, and benefit the reader's experience when using the webpage.


Works Cited:

All photographs featured were taken by the author.

Quotations from:

  1. Hardwick, Jeff, and Avery Trufelman. "The Gruen Effect - 99% Invisible." 99 Invisible The Gruen Effect Comments. N.p., 5 May 2015. Web. 06 Mar. 2016.
  2. Fleming, David. "The Space of Argumentation: Urban Design, Civic Discourse, and the Dream of the Good City." N.p., 1998. Web.