612 Earth Space Science Standards

Earth Sci:

(b)  A candidate for certification as an Earth space science teacher for grades 7-12 shall have the following skills, competencies and knowledge, gained through a combination of academic and supervised practical experiences, in the following areas:

(1)  In the area of fundamental content knowledge, the candidate shall have the ability to:

a.  Comprehend, apply, evaluate, analyze, and synthesize knowledge of:

1.  Land, atmosphere, and ocean systems, including gradual and catastrophic changes on Earth;

2.  Properties, measurements, and classification of Earth materials;

3.  Changes in the earth including land formation, erosion, evolution, and distribution of living things;

4.  Geochemical cycles, including biotic and abiotic systems;

5.  Energy flow and transformation in Earth systems and Earth as a system;

6.  Hydrological features of Earth, including distribution and use of water;

7.  Atmosphere, weather, and climate;

8.  Origin, evolution, and planetary behaviors of Earth;

9.  Origin, evolution, properties, and behaviors of the universe, including energy and matter and structures and functions;

10.  Fundamentals of investigating and interrelating Earth space sciences as systems including geology, oceanography, meteorology and astronomy;

11.  Sources and limits of natural resources;

12.  Applications of Earth space sciences relating to environmental quality and to personal and community health and welfare;

13.  Applications of Earth space sciences relating to society, business, industry, and health fields; and

14.  Dating of Earth and other objects in the universe;

b. Apply knowledge of Earth space sciences through full and partial inquiries, field experiences, laboratory investigations, and the use of scientific models;

c.  Design and conduct scientific research in Earth space sciences;

d. Apply mathematical and statistical concepts, at least through the level of college calculus and statistics;

e.  Explain and solve problems in the fundamentals of chemistry and physics equivalent to those taught in introductory college chemistry and college physics courses, including basic concepts and laboratory techniques;

f.  Examine concepts in Earth space sciences, including evolution, ecology, population dynamics, and flow of energy and matter through Earth systems; and

g.  Explain historical development and perspective in Earth space sciences, including contributions of significant figures and underrepresented groups, and the evolution of theories in Earth space sciences; and

(2)  In the area of instructional performance, the candidate shall have the ability to:

a.  Design and teach laboratory activities which incorporate scientific processes, promote scientific habits of mind, and meet needs of diverse learners;

b.  Design activities and investigations which teach literacy through integrating:

1.  The knowledge of the methods of teaching reading, writing, communication, and study skills essential to the effective mastery of middle school science content;

2.  The use of scientific drawings, diagrams, bulleted lists, and graphing essential to science investigations and expression of ideas; and

3.  Appropriate quantitative literacy skills and concepts into a science lesson;

c.  Demonstrate connections among all sciences and understand the role of Earth space science systems in science literacy;

d.  Relate Earth space sciences to technological issues that influence society and the ethical and moral consequences of decisions related to those issues;

e.  Model and teach safe laboratory and field practices, including:

1.  Personal safety;

2.   Equipment storage and upkeep;

3.  Safe and ethical handling of animals and other organisms; and

4.  Chemistry and waste inventory, handling, and disposal

f.  Integrate the common themes exhibited in all of the sciences into teaching and course design including:

1.  Systems and energy;

2.  Models and scale;

3.  Patterns of change, including constancy or stability;

4.  Form and function;

5.  Evolution; and

6.  Nature of science and inquiry;

g.  Integrate knowledge from the history and philosophy of science into Earth space sciences instruction;

h.  Design learning activities which foster questioning, open-ended investigations, the development of cooperative group skills, and promote practice in decision making and problem solving;

i.  Select, adapt, evaluate, and use age-appropriate strategies and materials for the learning of Earth space sciences, including the recommendations of national curriculum projects and scientific groups; and

j.  Organize, present, and evaluate Earth space sciences ideas in a manner which emphasizes conceptual understanding and in ways which provide for optimal learning experiences for students of all ability levels and learning styles.

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