610 Professional Standards

610.02 A1 Learner development

a.  An understanding of how learners develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the personal, physical, social, and academic dimensions

b.  The ability to facilitate developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences based on the unique needs of each learner


610.02 A2 Learning Differences

a.  An understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities

b.  Ensuring inclusive learning environments that allow each learner to reach his or her full potential

c.  The ability to employ universal design principles and assistive technology


610.02 A3 Learning Environment

a.  Working with learners to create and access learning environments that support self-directed individual and collaborative learning, based on each learner’s interests and passions

b.  Use of learning environments not limited to the classroom, but extended into the larger community as well as virtual experiences


610.02 B1 Content Knowledge

a.  An understanding of the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structure of his or her discipline(s)

b.  An ability to create learning experiences that make the discipline(s) accessible and meaningful for learners


610.02 B2 Innovative Applications

(2)  Innovative applications of content, as demonstrated by an understanding of how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical and creative thinking and collaborative problem-solving related to authentic local and global issues;

610.02 C1 Assesment

(1)  Use of assessment, as demonstrated by an understanding and ability to use multiple methods of assessment to:

a.  Engage learners in their own growth;

b.  Document learner progress;

c.  Provide learner feedback; and

d.  Inform the educator’s ongoing planning and instructional practices;


610.02 C2 Planning for Learning

(2)  Planning for learning facilitation, as demonstrated by an ability, as an active member of a learning community, to draw upon knowledge of content area standards, cross-disciplinary skills, learners, the community, and pedagogy to plan learning experiences that support every learner in meeting rigorous learning goals; and


610.02 C3 Learning Facilitation

(3)  Learning facilitation strategies, as demonstrated by:

a.  An understanding and use of a variety of strategies and tools to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections to other disciplines; and

b.  An ability to build skills in accessing, applying, and communicating information


610.02 D1Reflection and Continuous Growth

a.  Being a reflective practitioner and using evidence to continually evaluate his or her practice, particularly the effects of choices and actions on students, families, and other professionals in the learning community; and

b.  Ability to adapt practice to meet the needs of each learner; and


610.02 D2 Collaboration

Collaborating, as a member of the larger learning community, with learners, families, colleagues, other professionals, and community members to leverage resources that contribute to student growth and development, learning, and well-being.


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