Locations: USA & Nicaragua

DHMC Women’s Resource Center, Lebanon, NH, USA


The DHMC Women’s Resource Center is a facility in Lebanon, NH that offers a variety of services to women in the Upper Valley, including support and discussion groups for pregnant women and new mothers. We were fortunate enough to be invited to sit in on a so-called “fourth trimester” group, where women who have recently given birth get together to talk and share stories and support.

Casa Materna, Siuna, RAAN, Nicaragua

Casa materna






The casa materna is a resource for pregnant women in Nicaragua aimed at reducing maternal and infant mortality. In rural Nicaragua especially, many women (approximately 55%) give birth at home with only the attention of a midwife, who typically has no formal training or education. This can result in high rates of complications and death during difficult labors and births, especially given how far most rural Nicaraguan women live from professional medical care. Thus, by providing pregnant women with a place to stay where medical care and equipment are congregated for use in the event of a complication during pregnancy or the birthing process, the casa materna can serve to reduce some of the problems associated with childbirth in Nicaragua.

During our time abroad, we will have the chance to visit a casa materna and talk to some of the women there. We hope to gain insight into their views on maternal mental health, to see the similarities and differences that exist across cultures, and to start conversations about mental health that will persist after we leave the area.