Discussion 3: The Orozco Murals at Dartmouth College

I really enjoyed my first visit to the Orozco murals in baker library. One of the things that made the biggest impression on me is the incredibly detail throughout the mural. It is obvious that Orozco put copious amounts of time and effort into this piece, and therefore I think this mural really exemplifies his talent and dedication. I thought his choice to incorporate Northern America into his piece, and not solely Mexican, was an interesting one. The section titled “Gods of a Modern World” was especially provocative since it means to criticize the modern method of education, or “learning for learnings sake”. This part is especially risky since Dartmouth College at the time probably exemplified this ideal, but I respect Orozco for his willingness to shamelessly express his opinions through his art and question widely accepted practices, both key components to inspiring art.

Another one of my favorite parts of the mural was they way Orozco contrasted the “Old” and “New” World through sections on opposite ends of the room that mirrored each other. Doing this allows the viewer to compare, for example, “Ancient Human Sacrifice” with “Modern Human Sacrifice” and easily identify powerful connections and differences between the two images depicted.

I also really enjoyed the intense coloring of the mural. Some coloring really stood out to me, for example the one blue indian in the first section and colorful totem poles on the in-between walls. I wonder if Orozco meant for these specific elements of the mural to stand out, and I believe Orozco’s use of color deserves further exploration.