Light-Weight Rowing (D150) Folklore

Introduction: The Dartmouth lightweight rowing team is an exclusive and cohesive group that has their sport as a common factor. They spend a significant amount of their time together, sharing weight-cutting practices and strategies, workout sessions, meals, friends, and fraternities. Over time and many generations of class years, the team has developed a unique culture (i.e., customary, verbal, and material folklore) manifested in rituals, legends, jokes, and more. Rowers form a tight-knit group through sharing common struggles, remembering and celebrating unique past performances/performers, and recognizing personal growth within the team. These features promote team bonding within and between generations of rowers.

Presentation: Rowing Folklore Presentation



  • 💡Sam Gochman
  • Brian Chekal
  • David Oh
  • Yeonjae Park

Tags/Keywords: D150, lightweight rowing, Dartmouth, customary, material, verbal, bequests, rituals, jokes, legends, myths