Education Saved Me

Screen shot 2013-12-02 at 4.21.20 AMKianny credits education with saving her. She loves the challenge and she loves learning. She remembers finding some mentors, people that became more than teachers, and more than mentors, more than friends: her guides, her light. It was these individuals who recommended that she apply for scholarships and grants.

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Kianny on her graduation day from The City College of New York.

Kianny published her first book El Expreso in December of 2004 with scholarship money:

” I got a scholarship. But in order for them to give me the money, I either had to do research or a publication. I had all these stories, so I decided to publish. They gave me the money to publish my book. That was awesome!”

It was through education that she found literature and creative writing, what she describes as what she is now. She depends on writing. Most days.

Next Section: Finding Her Light