Community Mural: Description

The purpose of a Community Mural is to enable you to creatively reflect on your experiential learning experience. By having everyone contribute something in one space, the mural becomes a way to see how the group collectively (and individually) experienced this trip. To this end, I ask you to consider the following question:

What one moment will you take away from this experience?

Some sub-questions to guide your answer:

  • What surprised you the most?
  • At times of surprise, how did you adjust to your situation?
  • Were you able to maximize your experience? What could you have done better? What did you do well?
  • Has this experience impacted your thinking or behavior particularly in relation to how you view your position in American society?

Your answer does not need to take a specific form. You can write a short essay or a poem, post pictures or add a drawing (to name a few suggestions). Remember this is a community post so feel free to use each other for inspiration.  (If you do post a picture, please provide a short blurb defining its meaning.) Post your contributions here.